Can Chemotherapy Cause Hair Loss Years Later?

//Can Chemotherapy Cause Hair Loss Years Later?

Can Chemotherapy Cause Hair Loss Years Later?

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Chemotherapy Induced Alopecia (CIA) is an adverse effect most associated with cancer treatments. The possibility of hair loss due to chemotherapy depends on the type of cancer treated, the specific drugs involved, the patient age during treatment, and dosage administered.

Two powerful chemo drugs used are Docetaxel and Doxorubicin. There are cases where patients who underwent chemo treated with Docetaxel resulted in permanent hair loss. Doxorubicin, also referred to as the Red Devil, is one of the most powerful chemotherapy drugs ever created.

The name Red Devil is given due to its bright red color and its undesirable and damaging side effects. It destroys cancer cells at any point of their life cycle and causes aging at a genetic and cellular level. Doxorubicin treats almost all cancer types in an astonishing one million patients each year. However, because it is known to damage heart cells, patients are limited to the number of treatments they can undergo.

In conclusion, we now understand that because of the damage chemotherapy causes, it is very possible that complete hair loss can happen years after treatment.


By |2021-12-03T13:57:31-05:00December 3rd, 2021|Blog|Comments Off on Can Chemotherapy Cause Hair Loss Years Later?

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